The Ravello Festival 2008 runs from the 27th June until the 31st October. The theme chosen this year to unite around 200 events divided into 8 artistic categories is ‘The Diversity‘.
The programme ranges from contemporary music to Wagner repertoires, from jazz to dance, visual arts, cinema and literature.
The Ravello Festival offers seven symphony concerts in which four are dedicated to Wagner. The opening ceremony will be held on the stage at the Belvedere of the Villa Rufolo and is hosted by Director Inma Shara, conductor in residence for the next five years, who will be conducting the Philharmonic Orchestra of Prague and percussionist Evelyn Glennie.
In agreement with the San Carlo Theatre of Naples the Neapolitan Orchestra Massimo, directed by Jeffrey Tate and Ascher Fisch, will play two concerts dedicated to Wagner, Strauss and Verdi.
The evening of San Lorenzo is not to be missed with the Dawn Concert which concludes with ‘Morning’ by Edvard Grieg. The Nuovo Orchestra Scarlatti will be playing, directed by Aurelio Canonici.
In programme for September 6th is a concert with Uto Ughi, accompanied by the Berliner Philharmoniker. After Martha Graham and Jose Limon’s dance company will perform,’The Man and Woman of Modern Dance’. Also in programme, a European premiere from the Taipei Dance Forum with choreography by Wen Chung Lin.
Amongst the protagonists of the Ravello Festival 2008 are jazzist Uri Caine playing a Wagner repertoire; pianist Ludovico Einaudi; the composer Wim Matrens; l’Ensemble di Stoccarda presenting for the first time a new composition by Sciarrino; the writer Andrea de Carlo for the first time as a guitarrist; the Vienna Vegetable Orchestra debuting in Campania with their instruments carved out of peppers, courgettes and watermelons. Accompanied by a string quartet Massimo Ranieri will present a show of Neapolitan songs. Also attending will be the actors Tony Servillo and Catherine Spaak, reciting two musical performances. Two art shows are in programme: the Perna Foundation will be previewing 160 works from 16 Mediterranean artists, selected by the directors of the major museums in the world (MOMA, Montreal Tate Modern Gallery London, Istanbul and Athens, supervised by Achille Bonito Oliva, who will also be taking care of the show ‘Intollerance‘ focusing on contemporary art and the coexsistence of diversity.
For the literary encounters there will be ‘Tea with the Author’ with the five finalists of the Premio Campiello 2008 and the Summer Seminary organised by the S3 Studium, who this year have amongst their spokesmen, on the theme of diversity, Madgi Allam, Allessandro Cecchi Paone and Giampaolo Fabris.
The month of October will be entirely dedicated to a series of meetings and shows on Design and on New Trends.
Ravellos cultural orrenings will be enriched with 15 concerts of chamber music, cimematographic shows and an exhibition dedicated to the famous visitors that have stayed in the town.