Amalfi Coast Soups and minestrones. In search of the lost dish.

7 giugno 2008 | 00:00
Amalfi Coast Soups and minestrones. In search of the lost dish.

Soups and minestrones. In search of the lost dish.

Soups and minestrones, even in the summer, must be tasted while on vacation in Ravello Amalfi Coast. Looking through the researches of Professor Ezio Falcone, historian and gastronome, they are typical farmer’s dishes, simple and easier to make than today’s more elaborate meals. Another recommendation is to try the zucchini and eggplant parmigiana, which is part of a gastronomic culture typical of mountain areas, and still served in all the families and many restaurants in the area. In the old days time was spent working in the fields so the people would prepare their meals in advance using products grown in their gardens. Almost all the recipes are enriched with vegetables typical of the area, and are associated with the anniversary of San Pantaleone, the patron saint.
Another example is chicken with peppers. This dish spread in popular and was initially stuffed with apples that grow in the territory of neighbouring Scala, of which some varieties are: cotogne (quince), tubiole,S.Nicola, Cancavone. Another dish that must be tasted is the mullet and mushrooms baked with tomatoes: a recipe taken from the collection of journalist Sigismondo Nastri, which highlights the relationship between sea and mountains, a typical recipe from the Coast.

The recipe
Mullet and mushrooms with tomatoes: between sea and

Ingredients:fresh mullet, mushrooms, butter, extra virgin olive oil, onion, garlic, anchovies. Mature tomatoes, parsley, breadcrumbs, salt, pepper
How to:
Put butter in a pan, with oil, and fry the onion, thinly sliced, and some garlic, then add sliced mushrooms, chopped parsley and some anchovy. Season with salt and pepper, leave to cook on low heat for about ten minutes.Add the chopped tomatoes and a little ‘hot water, and cook for a further quarter of an hour.
Put the fish in a greased pan, sprinkle with salt, cover with the prepared sauce and a handful of breadcrumbs. Put a little melted butter on top and pop it in a moderately hot oven for about twenty minutes, then serve and enjoy.

La ricetta

Triglie e funghi con pomodori: tra mare e monti

Ingredienti: Triglie fresche. Funghi (vanno bene anche quelli coltivati). Burro, olio extravergine d’oliva, cipolla, aglio. Acciughe. Pomodori maturi. Prezzemolo. Pane grattugiato. Sale, pepe q.b.


Mettete in padella del burro, insieme con l’olio, e fatevi soffriggere la cipolla, sottilmente affettata, e l’aglio, aggiungendovi poi i funghi tagliati a fettine, il prezzemolo tritato e infine qualche acciuga. Salate e pepate, lasciando cuocere a fuoco lento per circa dieci minuti. Aggiungetevi i pomodori spezzettati, un po’ d’acqua calda, e fate cuocere ancora per un quarto d’ora.

In una teglia allineate le triglie, spruzzatele di sale, ricopritele con la salsa così preparata e una manciata di pane grattugiato. Versatevi sopra un po’ di burro fuso e passate il tutto in forno moderatamente caldo per circa venti minuti, quindi servite e gustate questo piatto che racconta un pezzo di questo territorio.