Sea routes: ways to get around without a car in Amalfi Coast
Sea routes: ways to get around without a car in Amalfi Coast
Enjoy your stay and travel from one place to another by hydrofoil. Even for those staying in Positano or Ravello in Amalfi Coast the sea routes can be an economic and practical mode of transport. Just make your way to AmalfiPort and choose between the many destinations including Capri, the Cilento coast and the AmalfiCoast.
Leave the car behind and move around with the Sita di Ravello, the local bus company, the taxis and the ferries. Most ferry services start from Easter, served between three companies. The Metrò del Mare (tel. 199 600 700), a consortium with the Regione Campania which covers most of the sea routes in Campania, and Travelmar (tel. 089 872950) and Alicost (tel. 089 871483), two ferry services from Amalfi.
Services leaving from Salerno are only to Amalfi and Positano at this time, but from June the Minori-Maiori service should be available. Also to be activated is a service connecting the beach of Praia in Praiano with the pier in Positano, with the company Lucibello ( 089 875032).
Connections to Cetata are not yet available. Cetara is the only town on the Coast that still has a flotilla of fishing boats and a newly restructured port.
Services from Salerno to Positano (Travelmar use the pier ‘molo della Concordia’, Alicost and Metro del Mare use the pier ‘molo Manfredi’) leave roughly every hour from morning till afternoon (from piazza della Concordiathey start at 8,40 until 15,30) , then from Positano to Salerno, the last service leaves at18,30.
Tickets for the Salerno –Positano route cost 10 euro with Travelmar and Alicost and 9.50 euro with
Metrò del Mare, while all companies charge 6 euro one way for Amalfi-Positano and vice versaor Salerno-Amalfi and vice versa.
Discounts and reductions are available for groups and children. Journey times are different depending on thecompany. Metro del Mare usually takes around 50 minutes from Salerno to Positano (and vice versa) while the other companies take around 70 minutes.
Every port has ticket offices that are easy to find.
For more information or details of ferry times please visit the website of the Ravello Tourist Board ( or call the ferry companies on the numbers provided