Positano dopo il prewedding al Rada matrimonio a Ravello con Boccelli di Alla Kosova and Scott LaRoque

Positano dopo il prewedding al Rada matrimonio a Ravello con Boccelli di Alla Kosova and Scott LaRoque . Sono due giorni che ne parliamo su Positanonews, di questo matrimonio da “favola”, non tanto per dire , ma la perla della Costiera amalfitana ha visto un mega prewedding in una delle location più belle del mondo al Rada restaurant , con il grande chef Emilio Desiderio, poi gli ospiti si sono divertiti nella discoteca più in della Campania e del Sud Italia, il Music on The Rocks col dj resident Mario Iovieno e il bar guidato da Ivan Contino . Bravissimo lo staff del Rada: Sara Marzullo, Valeria Vitiello e Lara Cinque come organizzatrici . Lo staff di cucina guidato dallo chef Emilio Desiderio, e la sala guidata da Stefano Barba, il Fly Bar ,elegantissimo e riservato angolo sulla vetta del locale, guidato da Frank Formicola.
Ovviamente a scegliere tutto questo staff un imprenditore illuminato come Peppe Russo che ha preso il testimone dal padre Salvatore Russo “Black” come ambasciatore del turismo della perla della Costiera amalfitana.
Gli ospiti sono rimasti entusiasmati da una serata da una mille e una notta, che a dir perfetta è dir poco..
Dopo il divertimento si va nell’altra perla della Costa d’ Amalfi, Ravello, la Città della Musica, non poteva non ospitare un wedding con un grande cantante come Boccelli che arriverà in elicottero a Villa Cimbrone. Non sono mancate escursioni via mare in Costa d’ Amalfi a Capri e sulla costa di Sorrento. Il costo di questo matrimonio si favoleggia arrivi a circa un milione di euro . Ma più che le cifre sono i personaggi che sono importanti Scott LaRoque è famosissimo nel campo medico ed imprenditoriale, leader in un settore innovativo per il rapporto medico paziente , come si può vedere facendo brevi ricerche sul web, una persona eccezionale che ha scelto posti eccezionali.
Questo per i nostri amici anglofoni la presentazione della straordinaria serata di ieri.
Be amazed” was the watchword of the impressive party that took place last night at Rada, on the Positano’s main beach.
The location by Peppe Russo, already naturally spectacular, overlooking the sea and the colorful and shiny pyramid of the houses of Positano, was yesterday, June 7, completely reshaped by a staff of over 50 people to host the party of the year: the prewedding of Alla Kosova and Scott La Roque.
The couple, Russian’s origin for her and American’s for him, decided to entertain and amaze their guests with an original white party.
Armando Malafronte and his team took care of the flower decorations under the directives of Preston Bailey, internationally renowned events designer, and his team of florists.
The white theme of the party was balanced by a mirid of flowers with striking colors: cascades of orchids at Music on the Rocks, vertiginous floral arrangements on all the tables of the restaurant, an unusual and spectacular flowers’ peacock, one of the more famous and beloved composition by Mr. Bailey, that was set up at the entrance to await the arrival of the hundred guests who reached the venue on private boats as real VIPS.
The dress code of the party was strictly white, except the future bride who wore a wonderful silver mermaid dress.
The club was completely shielded from the view of the guests with draperies, panels and structures assembled since the morning by Wedding Solution’s staff, creating the optical illusion of entering a dark gallery lit only by skilful plays of light and thus surprising the guests after dinner with the disco.
At the entrance, musicians and artists welcomed the guests, escorting them to the restaurant with their musical and dance performances.
More than 200 candles enlightened the entrance staircase and both terraces of the restaurant. A 5-members band entertained guests during dinner. After the banquet and the toast the party continued in the Music on the rocks’ club, (re-arranged during the dinner) where the group of Elan Artist, by Joshua Friedman, performed acrobatic dances with spectacular costumes.
The celebration was entirely off grid!
The entire event was organized by the international agency Zabinsky Events in close collaboration with Sunland agency and Rada’s event planners: Sara Marzullo, Valeria Vitiello and Lara Cinque. The whole Rada’s staff, the kitchen led by chef Emilio Desiderio, the Fly Bar under the watchful eye of Frank Formicola, the restaurant directed by Stefano Barba, the Music’s bar supervised by Ivan Contino, contributed admirably to the success of a truly exclusive and unforgettable evening.
Valeria Vitiello