Tsunami in Indonesia fra Giava e Sumatra oltre 200 morti. Ecco cosa è successo. VIDEO

23 dicembre 2018 | 20:49

Un’onda di tsunami ha devastato le spiagge attorno allo stretto della Sonda, che separa le isole di Giava e Sumatra, in Indonesia. Il drammatico bilancio, ancora purtroppo provvisorio, è di almeno 222 morti e 28 dispersi, i feriti sono 843 feriti: il numero delle vittime “crescerà sicuramente”, ha ammonito il presidente indonesiano Joko Widodo, mentre i soccorritori sottolineano che molte delle aree colpite non sono state ancora raggiunte.


Lo tsunami è stato con ogni probabilità causato dall’eruzione dell’Anak Krakatoa, un vulcano pochi chilometri al largo nello stretto della Sonda; si ipotizza che una frana sottomarina provocata dall’esplosione abbia generato l’onda anomala che si è infranta sulla spiaggia solo ventiquattro minuti dopo. L’onda ha distrutto oltre 500 case sul lungomare, danneggiando pesantemente anche una decina di hotel, sessanta ristoranti e 350 barche.


“Al momento, non ci risultano vittime tra gli stranieri, tantomeno australiani”, ha detto il premier australiano Scott Morrison, mentre l’Unità di crisi della Farnesina e l’ambasciata d’Italia a Giacarta “sono attive per prestare ogni assistenza necessaria ai connazionali sul posto”. La massa d’acqua ha distrutto decine di abitazioni e danneggiato “seriamente” 9 hotel. L’onda ha fatto strage tra gli impiegati della compagnia statale Pln, riuniti per celebrare la fine dell’anno. Le immagini mostrano l’onda devastante che si abbatte sul palco dove una band rock, i Seventeen, stava suonando per l’evento: il bassista è rimasto ucciso insieme al manager, altri 4 componenti del gruppo risultano tra i dispersi.

All’evento partecipavano almeno 260 persone: i morti accertati sinora sono 23. “L’acqua ha spazzato via il palco, che era molto vicino al mare”, afferma la band in un comunicato citato da Cnn Indonesia. “Abbiamo perso i nostri cari, incluso il bassista e il manager, gli altri sono dispersi”. Le autorità indonesiane hanno diramato una allerta invitando gli abitanti dell’area a “stare lontani dalle spiagge”. Il capo dell’agenzia meteorologica, Rahmat Riyono, teme che sia “possibile un altro tsunami” poiché quello di ieri “è stato provocato da un’eruzione del vulcano Anak-Krakatau”, e dall’alta marea. “La possibilità di un secondo tsunami in caso di terremoto sono molto basse, ma qui si tratta di un’eruzione. Dobbiamo continuare a monitorare la situazione”, ha detto, sottolineando che proprio per questa ragione non sono scattati allarmi preventivi ieri.

L’onda di tsunami ha fatto strage tra gli impiegati della compagnia statale Pln, riuniti per celebrare la fine dell’anno. Le immagini mostrano l’onda devastante che si abbatte sul palco dove una band rock, i Seventeen, stava suonando per l’evento: il bassista è rimasto ucciso insieme al manager, altri 4 componenti del gruppo risultano tra i dispersi nella tragedia. All’evento partecipavano almeno 260 persone. “L’acqua ha spazzato via il palco, che era molto vicino al mare”, afferma la band in un comunicato citato da Cnn Indonesia. “Abbiamo perso i nostri cari, incluso il bassista e il manager, gli altri sono dispersi”.

“L’Unità di crisi della Farnesina e l’Ambasciata d’Italia a Giacarta – riferisce un tweet del ministero degli Esteri – sono attive per prestare ogni assistenza necessaria ai connazionali sul posto”.

Era il 26 dicembre 2004 quando uno tsunami, causato da un terremoto di magnitudo 9.1 nell’Oceano Indiano, colpì le coste di tutto il sudest asiatico e arrivò fino alle coste africane. Si stima che le vittime furono tra 250 mila e 270 mila, ma un bilancio definitivo non fu mai fornito per l’altissimo numero di dispersi, circa 50 mila. La più colpita fu proprio l’Indonesia con oltre 130 mila morti accertati e 170 mila stimati. L’epicentro del terremoto che diede origine allo tsunami fu a nord dell’isola di Sumatra. Lo tsunami di ieri è invece stato scatenato dall’eruzione del vulcano Krakatoa, nello stretto della Sonda, a sud di Sumatra.


oastal residents near Indonesia’s Anak Krakatau volcano have been warned to keep away from beaches amid fears it could trigger a new tsunami.

On Saturday, giant waves crashed into coastal towns on the islands of Sumatra and Java, killing at least 222 people and injuring 843.

It is thought that volcanic activity set off undersea landslides which in turn generated the killer waves.

Anak Krakatau was erupting again on Sunday, spewing ash and smoke.

Video shot from a charter plane captured the magnitude of the event in the Sunda Strait, between Sumatra and Java.

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President Joko Widodo has expressed his sorrow for the victims and urged people to be patient.

Rescue efforts are being hampered by blocked roads but heavy lifting equipment is being transported to badly hit areas to help search for victims.

What warning was given?

The head of the National Disaster Management Agency, Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, held a news conference on Java.

“Recommendations from [the] Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysical Agency are that people should not carry out activities on the beach and stay away from the coast for a while,” he said.

The Indonesian volcano, Anak KrakatauImage copyrightGALLO IMAGES/ORBITAL HORIZON/COPERNICUS SENTIN
Image captionA satellite image of Anak Krakatau erupting in August

“The potential for a fresh tsunami is still possible because the volcanic eruption of Anak Krakatau continues to occur, potentially triggering tsunami.”

Anak Krakatau, which formed in 1927 after the Krakatoa volcano eruption, has seen increased activity in recent months with people asked to avoid the area around its crater.

On Friday it erupted for two minutes and 12 seconds, creating an ash cloud that rose 400 metres above the mountain.

Why was Saturday’s tsunami so deadly?

It struck at 21:30 local time (14:30 GMT) during a local holiday, with few of the warning signals that might have come had it been generated by an earthquake.

Seawater did not recede as in an earthquake tsunami and experts say that even if there had been warning buoys near the volcano, there would have been minimal alert time.

However, officials say a warning siren did go off in some areas, Reuters news agency reports.

Screen grab of video showing Seventeen performing moments before the tsunami hitImage copyrightSOCIAL MEDIA
Image captionBand Seventeen were performing on stage when the tsunami hit

The waves destroyed hundreds of buildings, sweeping away cars and uprooting trees in several popular tourist destinations including the Tanjung Lesung beach resort, west Java.

Footage shared on social media showed a large wave crashing into a tent in the resort, in which popular Indonesian rock band Seventeen was performing.

BBC map

Members of the band were seen being swept away as the wave destroyed the stage.

Officials say more than 160 people were killed in Java’s Pandeglang tourist district.

On Sumatra, 48 were reported dead in South Lampung, and deaths were also reported in Serang district and Tanggamus.

So far, no foreign nationals have been reported dead, officials say.

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What caused the tsunami?

By Jonathan Amos, BBC science correspondent

It is well known that volcanoes have the capacity to generate large waves. The mechanism as ever is the displacement of a large volume of water.

Except, unlike in a classic earthquake-driven tsunami in which the seafloor will thrust up or down, it seems an eruption event set in motion some kind of slide.

tsunami graphic

It is not clear at this stage whether part of the flank of the volcano has collapsed with material entering the sea and pushing water ahead of it, or if movement on the flank has triggered a rapid slump in sediment under the water surface.

The latter at this stage appears to be the emerging consensus, but the effect is the same – the water column is disturbed and waves propagate outwards.

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How common are tsunamis in Indonesia?

People shelter in a mosque in the Pandeglang region. Photo: 22 December 2018Image copyrightREUTERS
Image captionSome residents in the Pandeglang region ran to a local mosque after the tsunami hit

Indonesia is prone to tsunamis because it lies on the Ring of Fire – the line of frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions that circles virtually the entire Pacific rim.

In September, more than 2,000 people died when a powerful earthquake struck just off the central Indonesian island of Sulawesi, setting off a tsunami that engulfed the coastal city of Palu.

On 26 December 2004, a series of huge waves triggered by a powerful earthquake in the Indian Ocean killed about 228,000 people in 13 countries, mostly in Indonesia.

However, tsunamis caused by volcanic activity like this are less frequent.

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Krakatoa (Krakatau in Indonesian)

Anak Krakatoa eruption. Photo: 22 December 2018Image copyrightOYSTEIN LUND ANDERSEN

In August 1883, Krakatoa underwent one of the most violent volcanic eruptions in recorded history:

  • Massive tsunamis with waves of up to 41m killed more than 30,000 people
  • Thousands more were killed by hot ash
  • The eruptions were equivalent to 200 megatons of TNT – about 13,000 times the nuclear yield of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945
  • The eruptions were heard thousands of kilometres away
  • World temperatures dropped by more than 1C the following year
  • The volcanic island virtually disappeared