Arte Contemporanea. Intervista al bravo artista Ahmed Barakat, a cura del sociologo e critico d’arte Maurizio Vitiello.

Intervista di Maurizio Vitiello – Risponde il bravo artista Ahmed Barakat
Ahmed Barakat is a contemporary Egyptian plastic artist and a member of the Syndicate of Fine Artist and a member of the Egyptian Free Theater Association in the field of Decoration.
He is also member of the Egyptian Society for Photography, the International Federation of Photography Society of America, PSA.
In the addition, his membership affiliation also includes the Saudi World of Photography Group.
WPG and the Afro-Asian Union for International Law and Dispute Settlement.
Ecco l’intervista:
Puoi segnalare il tuo percorso di studi?
I finished the Bachelor degree of the Fine Arts, Zamalek Cairo Egypt. Also I specialize in Interior Design and Photography in the field of Advertising in Cairo.
Puoi raccontare i tuoi desideri iniziali?
Well to be honest the only thing I wished and followed its my passion for Art and also my heart.
Quali sonno stati i sentieri che avevi intenzione di seguire?
The path that I followed was always about Art and about Photography.
Quando è iniziata la voglia di produrre arte?
My talent for art begin at my young age with the encouragement of my parents and Art teachers in various educational stages.
Mi puoi indicare gli artisti bravi che hai conosciuto?
There are many but I will mention my two dear professors Samy Rafa and Nagy Shakr. They made stamps in my Art life.
Quali piste di maestri egiziani, italiani e di altri paesi hai seguito?
I was always drawn to Picasso and Modern Contemporary Art, also I like to be out of frame.
Quali sono le tue personali da ricordare?
Mostly my personal ones are my dear professors.
Puoi precisare i temi e i motivi delle ultime mostre?
My motive and themes where always about life, especially about woman struggles during her life.
Dentro c’è la tua percezione del mondo, forse, ma quanto e perché?
Sure, there are messages in the artworks that are related to our personal life and what is around the world.
L’Itaila è sorgiva per gli artisti dei vari segmenti?
Italy was always the centre of the world Art.
Pensi di avere una visibilità congrua?
I try my best to be better and to correct myself in my field.
Quali linee operative pensi di tracciare nell’immediato futuro?
For me its to take a Master and Doctorate degree in Art and Design.
Pensi che sia difficile riuscire a penetrare le frontiere dell’arte? Quanti, secondo te, riescono a saper leggere l’arte contemporanea e a districarsi tra le mistificazioni?
In my opinion the artist has his own time in his artwork and to people understand, its need time or maybe another generation will understand.
I “social” t’appoggiano, ne fai uso quotidiano?
Yes, sure, this is the connection this day. It made all the world in one hand in same time.
Con chi ti farebbe piacere collaborare tra critico, artista, art-promoter per metter su una mostra o una rassegna estesa di artisti collimanti con la tua ultima produzione?
Everyone have his own style but for me I can be in artwork with another artist, so we make ideas (or new ideas) same like I do sometimes in my installations.
Perché il pubblico internazionale dovrebbe ricordarsi dei tuoi impegni?
Now days its very crowded with many artists and not easy to remember, its all about to be different. This can make people remembering more.
Pensi che sia giusto avvicinare i giovani e presentare l’arte in ambito scolastico, accademico, universitario e con quali metodi educativi esemplari?
Art is born with the first day of a baby is born. Art can help build ourselves in good way. Art it’s a must and it’s culture.
Prossime mosse, NY, Londra, Parigi …?
I think Paris and New York will be my next moves.
Che futuro si prevede post covid-19 e post-guerra Ucraina-Russia?
With covid-19 we saw another kind of live and we start focusing more in things that we didn’t see it before, like health, connecting people together, and the communication between world change, and the emotions become less. The war between Ukraine and Russia it’s a small sample of the weak world. I hope its finished soon, because we all loose with wars.